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Properties, uses and sources of the element aluminum. Also known as aluminium, the name was changed by the American Chemical Society in 1925.
Chat NowSend InquiryAluminium (in Commonwealth English) or aluminum (in American English) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.
Chat NowSend InquiryStudent Educational Resources. Quick Read. ... Metal properties. Compare the properties/facts and test different metals. Comparison of oxidation rates (rusting) ...
Chat NowSend InquiryInteresting Aluminium Facts: Aluminium is present in more than 270 minerals. It is the most abundant mineral on Earth after oxygen and silicon.
Chat NowSend InquiryDec 03, 2014 · Get periodic table facts on the chemical and physical properties of the element aluminum or aluminium.
Chat NowSend InquiryDid you know that there’s lot of aluminium on the moon? Get some entertaining and surprising facts about aluminium.
Chat NowSend InquiryAluminum's discovery, interesting facts, and properties - plus informative videos and comprehensive data tables.
Chat NowSend InquiryElement Aluminium (Al), Group 13, Atomic Number 13, p-block, Mass 26.982. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images.
Chat NowSend InquiryFun facts on aluminium. Interesting facts and statistics about aluminium can recycling. Games Centre. Try our games and check out your recycling know-how. Homework help.
Chat NowSend InquiryThe latest facts and figures about aluminium cans. Skip to content. Aluminium Cans Navigation. ... Aluminium is the most abundant metal found in the earth's crust.
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